gopsarhu, gops, arhu
Year 7s, I do hope that our chat today was able to help direct your thinking so that the construction of your soliloquy is more like a "snapshot in time".

Remember these points:
Exactly where is the soliloquy happening?
Why am I here?
Who am I talking to?
How will I close the 3 minutes? 
You have chosen a person who is quite distinguished - a notable person in his or her field. Now you need to do 'your' autobiography justice (remember, this is YOUR story). I go on to explain about creating your soliloquy so click the "Read More" to read more!

Welcome Date With The Distinguished investigators. This is the first update. Have your read the main DWTD page? Keep up to speed with all the requirements, won't you!
The first element you are working on (Year 6s) is your BIOGRAPHY and for the Year 7s, you should be looking at your detailed AUTOBIOGRAPHY.
Come back here soon for an update.

gops, arhu